Northway offers a wilderness camp program based on our outdoor setting of swimming, sailing, canoeing, kayaking, arts and crafts and dramatics. Canoe trips are the most special and loved of all activities. Camp Northway has developed an unmatched style, spirit and skill in canoe tripping. Our esteemed overnight summer programs have been running for over a hundred years, with campers returning summer after summer.
Campers practice their canoeing skills in Northway’s cedar-strip canoes through several stages of proficiency. Our fleet of Optimist Prams, Lasers, and Sunfish provides a great choice of sailboats for campers to meet the challenge of Cache Lake’s inlets and cross-winds. The pure, clear water of Cache Lake is a lovely place for girls to learn to improve their swimming style. Northway follows the Royal Lifesaving Society program.
Our Craft House is open all day, so between canoeing, swimming, sailing and kayaking lessons, campers can drop in when the creative spirit moves them. Girls may work independently with their choice of the Craft House supplies, or with the help of the Craft Counsellors. Our Dramatics Counsellors have been producing two full musicals each summer.
Every day between Breakfast and Morning Council is a time to tidy up the tent, change into swimsuits for lessons, and pack for canoe trips. Morning lessons, between 10:00am and 12:00 noon, consist of a half hour lesson in each of the waterfront activities: swimming, sailing, canoeing and kayaking. During afternoon lessons between 3:00pm and 5:00pm, campers attend the activity areas of their choice. Arts and Crafts and the Nature Program are also available during this time.
Sundays: Breakfast and Morning Council are ½ hour later. A Sunday morning walk or work-shift takes the place of morning lessons.
You can apply online for Northway by clicking here.
A $800.00 deposit per camper is required to consider the application complete.
If you’d like to learn more about Camp Northway submit your information on the form and we will be in touch shortly. A Director may be able to come to your house and present to your daughter about why Northway is so great.
We offer Online Applications through a program called Camp Brain. Clicking “Apply Online” below will take you to the Camp Brain login portal where first-time families will be asked to create an account. Returning camper families can sign into their existing account.
Camp Northway & Camp Wendigo are wilderness summer camps in Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada.
In camp the spirit is much the same as it is out in the wilderness – one of willingness to help others, to befriend every other camper and to appreciate the beauty of nature.
© Camp Northway Lodge Ltd. All rights reserved.